Update 03/22/2022

  • Implemented a new two-page profile system instead of the single-page profile to make profiles seem less overwhelming.

  • Fixed wish history not showing the dates/order correctly after syncing a specific banner.

  • Implemented a pity counter for g!history. You are now able to check at what pities you were able to obtain a certain character/weapon. (issue in progress: pity counter only shows correctly when checking history for a specific banner and no params i.e. g!history <banner> will show your pity counter correctly while g!history <banner> [3/4/5] will incorrectly show your pity counter.

  • Users are no longer able to register using an expired wish history link

  • Implemented a bunch of error-handling cases. Users will now be notified when accidentally mistyping a command or trying to access a command that simply does not exist.

Genshin Wizard Update New Changes -Implemented several new aliases for a more user-friendly experience. Users are now able to execute commands using the following aliases:

g!permanent -> g!perm -> g!standard

g!character -> g!char g!weapon -> g!wpn

g!register -> g!link

g!profile -> g!lookup -> g!p

  • Implemented a channel to bump our server on disboard (check out <#954774314404691998>). Only one user needs to bump our server every 2 hours.

  • Fixed a bug regarding the welcome image not showing for users without a profile picture on discord

  • Implemented a whole new <#954565004521254993> system. You are now able to check out our global server genshin statistics! Statistics regarding all banner events are provided and updated on an hourly basis.

  • Timestamps will now show at the bottom of global-statistics embeds to show when the last time the statistics were updated!

  • Users will now be told when they mistype/misuse a parameter of a command (i.e. g!history character 6 will now respond with a corresponding error message)

Genshin Wizard Update New Changes

  • Implemented instant-reactions for messages sent in <#954461759601803324>. Genshin Wizard will now automatically add poll reactions (✅ and ❌) to every message sent. A cooldown has been added to prevent abuse.

  • Fixed an issue on the Genshin Wizard profile where the first page of g!profile was not showing recent 5-star characters/weapons in the correct order.

  • Implemented a new g!export command. Users are now able to export their wishes to their local device.

  • Implemented a new <#956261533602701322> channel, users are now able to change their nickname in the server by typing in that channel, whatever you type will be used as your nickname until you decide to change it again.

  • Implemented a new UNREGISTER command for people who want to delete everything they have stored in our databases. To unlink your account, simply type g!unlink or g!unregister and follow the instructions.

Last updated