HoYoLAB Registration

Information on how to register your HoYoLAB account to Genshin Wizard

Important: This page is dedicated to providing information on how to register your HoYoLAB account to Genshin Wizard to gain full bot functionality.

Script Method (PC)

  1. Open Google Chrome browser and visit the HoYoLAB page.

  2. Once logged in, open developer tools by pressing F12 on your keyboard or right-clicking anywhere on the page and selecting Inspect.

  3. On the series of tabs, select the Application tab.

  4. On the left-hand side, select Cookies and click on the website to view all your site cookies.

  5. Copy the ltoken_v2 and ltuid_v2 tokens and paste them into their dedicated modal input fields.

  1. Once copied, copy the following script in the address bar.

script:cookie=document.cookie; document.write(cookie + `<br><button onclick="navigator.clipboard.writeText(cookie)">{button_message}</button>`)
  1. Once pasted, type java in front of the address bar such that the beginning of the address bar now starts with javascript.

  2. Once you press enter, you will see all your cookies for HoYoLAB and a button to copy them, click the button to copy and paste the full cookie in the first field of the modal.

  1. Once all three cookies have been properly entered, you're finally ready to click submit and complete registration.

Last updated