Update 08/28/2022

  • Genshin Wizard profiles now contain exclusive badges for the following roles:

  • There is now a checker to prevent exploited Genshin statistics from entering our leaderboards

  • The /history command has been reworked such that you no longer have to pass the rarity to filter your wish results. History command will now contain a dropdown to accommodate for the filters

  • Builds buttons on guides will now light up accordingly

  • Fixed a bunch of bugs regarding the /hoyo command

  • Integrated autoclaim for members of Genshin Wizard. To enable the auto daily sign-in feature, simply use the command /daily autoclaim: Enable

  • Autoclaim will send a private message, as long as the user has their messages enabled, users will be notified when and what rewards are claimed everyday

  • Implemented new framework for database optimization

  • Implemented new /uptime command to check Genshin Wizard's up-time since the last restart

  • Implemented new /todo command, showcases a general Genshin checklist along with current ongoing events in Genshin Impact

  • Implemented new /events command, showcases all recent Genshin Impact events

  • Implemented new /monthly command, users can now check all monthly rewards offered by HoYoLAB through the bot as well as how many days they've already claimed from the month.

  • Integrated error handler for slash commands

  • Integrated a new /config panel for server owners/managers. Users are now able to set up the following panels directly into their servers:

Server-Time Panel

Talent Domain Schedule

Weapon Domain Schedule

Daily Reminders

  • Made changes to the music bot to boost aesthetics as well as some performance

  • Integrated a global timeout on all messages that contain views; Users will no longer be able to interact with a message (unless it's registration-related) after 10 minutes. This is to prevent the over usage of Genshin Wizard's CPU and resources

  • Fixed a few bugs with the /leaderboard command

  • Integrated Genshin Wizard support for 3.0 Genshin Impact Update

  • Added new filters on the Abyss Leaderboards section of Genshin Wizard's leaderboard command. Users can now filter by lunar phase

  • Updated designs to accommodate for newly-introduced items in 3.0

  • Made performance changes to the /profile command

Last updated